It pays to have talented friends. In this case, that would be our mutual friend
Amy, artist extraordinaire, who now has a regular gig making the illustrations for Music and the Spoken Word. Interesting story: Amy was one of the many college friends who knew both K. and I long before K. and I knew each other. She was at the party where K. and I met, and was the third person I called while trying to track down K.'s last name and phone number. I sounded so awkward on the phone that Amy naturally assumed I was about to ask her out. Since Amy was already happily married, she was trying to think of a way to let me down easy, but finally I managed to state my business and scored the digits. Seeing as how K. has now known Amy for half her life, it seemed high time to commission a portrait.
I have known K. for about a third of my life now, the happiest third, and the most hopeful. Oftentimes I think of our relationship as a kind of gravity, and think that with all we have shared and suffered and risked together there is hardly any chance we will ever escape each other's orbit again. Happy Birthday, Sweetheart. Thank goodness I found you.
What a beautiful post--and picture! Thanks for sharing.
Scott that is the sweetest love note ever. What a great gift for a truly wonderful person.
Happy Birthday, K! I hope you like the painting! You're such an awesome friend, and I'm so glad Scott asked me to paint that for you. I've painted you several times in college, but they never looked good enough. Hopefully this one captures your fiery natural beauty well enough. Happy 32!
Oh, and Scott, thanks for reminding me--it's funny the things we remember.
Wow--what a gorgeous portrait. I hope you find the perfect place to display it. Hope you had a great birthday, K. We love you oodles for all your goodness and the great example you are to everyone who knows you.
wow! what a gift! It certainly is a wonderful likeness. I have no doubt that this will become a real family treasure.
That was the sweetest of sweet posts, Scott! Happy b-day, Kristin!
That is awesome. I wonder which kid will win this in the will. What a treasure.
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