Lately, when K. and I discuss where our family's at and where we're headed, we keep coming back to the word "lucky." The turmoil and doubt of the past couple of years isn't something I'm keen to repeat, but I can't help it--when I think about where I am and how I was led here, I think less in terms of merit than of grace. When the book of my life is written, the best that may be said of me is that I took good advice when it was given to me. I don't come up with very many good ideas on my own, but I seem to know a good one when I hear it. This Thanksgiving, I'm of course grateful for the parents who taught me true principles, and for the friends and teachers who have left their imprint on my character, but I also want to give thanks to all those whose pearls of knowledge somehow fell into my lap. So, if you're out there, here's some hearty thanks
-to the law student in Houston, who said if he could do it again, he would go to Virginia;
-to Spencer W. Kimball, for saying "Have your children and have them early";
-to my Constitutional Law professor, who said that the novels of Patrick O'Brian were "really good";
-to my Trusts & Estates professor, who said it was a great way to practice law;
-to the neighbor who said I should give Delaware a try;
-to the corporate litigator who smiled, shook his head, and said "Don't go into corporate litigation";
-for that calm feeling I got when I turned down a secure job offer for a doomed one;
and especially to the friend who convinced me to go to a party right before spring finals. I probably should have studied--it's been almost ten years and none of that knowledge has endured. Instead I wasted precious study time chatting up a flute performance major with an unearthly glow, and in a few days she would graduate and be gone. Hey Ted, this one's for you. Thanks for twisting my arm.
Scott, this is a beautiful post. It reminds me of a few things I ought to be grateful for as well.
yay! I saw your link off of Alicia's page & just had to say 'hi' (Jim & Monica from Houston). Your family is ADORABLE!!!! Ian & Sage have grown soooo much since we've seen them. You & K. look the same though--so that's good for you! Just wanted to say 'hi'--we're up to 6 in our family too--we had to do some fancy footwork to get there though! Tell K. 'hi' for us!!!
That is the sweetest blog- you certainly have a way with words! We love you guys
Wow--great to hear from our Houstonian friends! Jim and Monica, your girls look so cute! I'm glad your fancy footwork paid off. Alicia and Dan, thanks for putting us on your blog so we could connect back up with all you guys. Keep in touch--we'll be around.
Ah, that was such a sweet post. I'm not sure if I congratulated you on baby Nora. She is beautiful. Tell the fam the Ormsby's say hi.
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