It's a good thing we have three months worth of food storage, because I get all my storm warnings from mid-Atlantic coworkers and never know whether to take them seriously or not. (Given the amount of fretting that accompanies every snowy forecast, you might get the mistaken impression that it does not snow here--multiple times--every single winter.) Anyway, it looks like this time they were right. Earlier in the week, my Saturday plans included a long, exploratory walk in the woods. Saturday morning, about 7am, those plans got thrown out the window:

I heard we got somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 inches, to the great pleasure of my Michigan bride:

One of our neighbors has access to snow plow, and must have plowed our driveway in the middle of the night, because there was only about 15 inches of snow covering the driveway when we went to dig ourselves out. I don't think he even knows our names, and this is the second time this winter he's plowed our driveway.

I remember one particular winter in Utah, the drifts were halfway up the doors and we could hardly get close enough to deliver the newspapers along our route. I also remember waking up to ice storms in Connecticut, with all the tree branches translucent and bent low to the ground. I think storms must find a place in everyone's memory--the astonishment at how quickly the world can change around us.

In spite of all that, the big drifts are already sagging in the sun. My forecast: two weeks of wet socks.
Thanks for the pics! Wow! David was asking me how many inches you guys got, and now I can tell him!
We had snow like that last winter and have only had a couple of dustings this winter. I think I prefer the large amounts. If it's going to snow, let it snow!
I'm glad you were able to dig yourselves out of that! I'm a little jealous, and that's only because the kids and I still haven't had a chance to make a snowman this winter (missed the major UT drifts while visiting CA) and it's already warming up. But Utah's a bit climatically schizophrenic so I'm sure we'll have our chance. Amazing pictures, by the way.
Great pics! That's so nice of your neighbor to plow your driveway for you. Our neighbor came back in December (when we got that last huge storm) and asked us if we wanted him to do our driveway with his snow plow....for $25 initially and $10 for every 5 inches after that. Um....no thanks!! :)
William wants to know if he can come play in the snow with you.
Tell William he can come over anytime. We had a second storm, so his reserved snowdrift should last until late May.
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