These pictures are mainly for my mom, but also for anyone else who cares about my fledgling quilt-making efforts. I know many of my relatives regularly crank out multiple quilts (Tiff's recent blog as evidence), but this still took enough effort for my busy self to feel like a big deal. I've sewn plenty of clothes at this point but this was my first first quilt, so I was gratified that Nora loves it.
And I also finally finished crocheting a blanket I started in October of 2008, and dubbed it S.'s Christmas present.

Here's to feeling loved when wrapped in a homemade blanket -- love you all!
Impressive. I LOVE the crocheted one! All the colors, and it looks so thick and warm!
Beautiful job, K! I really love the stripey look of the quilt. And, for the record, those on my blog were my first two quilts ever, and it's not a project I'm willing to repeat anytime soon. What a beast of a project homemade blankets are! Finishing one is a BIG deal-- well done!
I am very impressed! I am still working on the quilt that I started before Evelyn was born (May of 2008) . . . (In fact, I was in the fabric store getting fabric for the backing when my contractions started!). Someday I hope to finish it.
Love them!
that quilt is awesome!
Kristin, not only did the quilt come out FABULOUS, but when I have been in a fabric store or two lately, and mentioned that my daughter was making a quilt to ladies of my own age, their eyes bulged and they said such things as "How can she possibly find the time?" and "I never even learned to do that!" In short, without seeing your work they were impressed simply by the attempt. They should see what came out of the attempt, hey? And WHEN did you find time to crochet? So glad you took time to put these photos on.
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