I haven't completely gotten comfortable with the blog format, going public with my thoughts for all to see. S. has encouraged me to, but I guess I'm shy. Today, though, I'll try it in honor of my honey. Here are all the ways S. is such an excellent father (and husband).
He's creative. I need to be a little better at giving him the time and leeway to pursue more of his ideas, because they're nearly always wonderful. Hanging on our bedroom wall is a beautiful mirror that he etched for a Valentine's Day years ago. He hand-stenciled the inscription, cut the design out of contact paper, applied the etching cream, all by hand and the result is really well-done and very personal. One of these days I'll stop demanding that he do mundane things like fix toilets and let him make the solar oven he's been dreaming of...
He's observant, without being outspoken -- which makes his opinions very well-thought out and worth seeking. He has the ability to see different points of view. He has learned to notice and interpret my needs, sometimes before even I catch them. In terms of the kids, it makes him an excellent teacher, always fitting the message to the capabilities of each child. I especially value how observant he is in spiritual matters, a person very receptive to those little feelings that can make such a difference in our lives.
Last but not least, he's tender. Not a quality you'll hear much about in the media, but I think this is what bumps S. up from being a good father to being a great one. He has compassion, a soft heart, and a generous nature. And yes, as he mentioned in a previous post, he does indeed shed tears easily when he, say, watches An American Tail or reads The Road or anything to do with fatherhood.
He's a team player. He's a huge positive influence in our family, setting an example by always being willing to pitch in and work hard, with a smile. For instance, we still have only one car, which means that we Do Everything Together. Sometimes our overlapping schedules make for some strain in the transportation department, and he has to put up with a carful of cranky kids going somewhere he wouldn't really have needed (or wanted) to go himself, but he's a great sport.
What a beautiful tribute, K! And what a super cool dad you are, S! I loved reading this as it made me feel grateful all at once for my own dad, my children's dad, and my nieces and nephew's dad. Three of the best of their kind!
This post really sums up the awesomeness that is S. Good job, K!
And S--my goodness, you are looking svelte! I take it the knees are on board with your fitness regimen?? I'm envious!
My knees are grumbling a bit, but so far they haven't actually gone on strike. Running seems to have knocked me down off my weight loss plateau, which is what I needed at this point. If things continue this way, I might actually reach my ideal weight about the same time as the race.
Logged in as K. (natch)
I just LOVE the way you and S articulate your thoughts into words.It is so beautiful...your life is beautiful!
Awesome pic! LOVE the blurring in the background.
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