Nora has borne it all admirably well. Though clingy and given to an aggressive shriek now and then, I think I would describe her general personality as "unassuming." Quickly and quietly she has found her niche in the family dynamic, sliding into place so effortlessly that now, after a year, it's difficult to remember what life was like without her gimping around the house. Ian, Sage, and Lucy fight amongst themselves, but they don't fight with Nora or fight about her. She has a fresh, open countenance that brings out the caring side in all of us. Now that she has started to take her first steps, who knows what other aspects of her character will be revealed--Lucy did not show her true colors until she was able to sprint--but I would be surprised if Nora did not live up the the promise of her first year. Happy Birthday, little Nora Bean. You're sweet and we love you.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Nora's Corner: 365 Days Old
Nora has borne it all admirably well. Though clingy and given to an aggressive shriek now and then, I think I would describe her general personality as "unassuming." Quickly and quietly she has found her niche in the family dynamic, sliding into place so effortlessly that now, after a year, it's difficult to remember what life was like without her gimping around the house. Ian, Sage, and Lucy fight amongst themselves, but they don't fight with Nora or fight about her. She has a fresh, open countenance that brings out the caring side in all of us. Now that she has started to take her first steps, who knows what other aspects of her character will be revealed--Lucy did not show her true colors until she was able to sprint--but I would be surprised if Nora did not live up the the promise of her first year. Happy Birthday, little Nora Bean. You're sweet and we love you.
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Happy Birthday, sweet Nora! We love you and hope you enjoyed wearing your birthday cake.
Don't know if Nora NEEDS another happy birthday, but we'd sure love to send her another--unaware though she may be. Have a "get up and grow" year, little one. We love you--Grandma C. (and Grandpa too, if he were in the building...)
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