Old Man Winter finally paid us a visit last week, overwhelming local infrastructure with a massive two inches of snow. With schools closed and my office opening two hours late, we wisely chose to pass the time making tracks and pelting each other in the neck with snowballs. I wanted to shovel the driveway but Ian beat me to it and wouldn't let me help.

Nora didn't really know what to make of everything--probably she sensed that something was not quite right, but lacked the vocabulary to describe it.

A couple days later I dragged the kids with me to the Valley Garden Park (another donated du Pont estate. Thank you, du Ponts). We spent much of the time following the tracks of various beasts, including these from Bambi and Thumper.

As we scaled icy cliffs and crossed great brown meadows, the kids each developed their own style of stick brandishment: Stage magician,

Saturday's Warrior,

and Yukon Ho!

Peeking through the snow were the first buds of spring. Watch your back, old man. Here come the young upstarts.
You really are a gifted picture taker of scenery!Go IAN!! I would keep him!
What's all that white stuff? :D
Man, I love your photography!
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