As articulate as she can be sometimes, Lucy's not quite ready to dictate her own blog entries, so you're stuck with a narrator who's neither young nor sprightly. In honor of this inaugural edition of Lucy's Corner, here are a few of the first pictures we've taken with our new digital camera (so long, grainy webcam captures!)
K took this picture, and it's the closest we've come to expressing Lucy as a being composed fundamentally of kinetic energy:

A more representative picture would have been one in which she was entirely out of frame, but you get the idea.
This next one I took on one of the first real spring days. There's a nice state park not too far away with big meadows framed by old rock walls.

Lucy sat down and immediately began to pull up grass, so I asked her to show me what she was doing.
Lucy as superhero: This swing was high enough off the ground that I could lie down just far enough back to frame Lucy straight up against the sky on her backswing. It makes for an interesting angle except for the backlighting, but K tells me that I could have adjusted the exposure rate to compensate.

On second glance, she looks as though she might be bearing an angelic message. ("Behold, the playtime is at hand...")
Thanks for stopping by Lucy's Corner. Here's a kiss to send you on your way:
Those are lovely pictures (awkward backlighting notwithstanding). And we can relate to the "being of fundamentally kinetic energy"--Andrew only seems to be still when he's asleep or forcibly bound (i.e. in a carseat or other restraining device!)
Exuberance is probably better than not, right? Still, we haven't had a moment's peace since she learned to walk.
Holy Cow Kristen!! Your kids have grown so much! This is the first time I've seen your blog I think! Love your pictures!!!!!!!
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